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Important update regarding Back-to-School Vaccine Clinic scheduled for July 11 in Camden

Important update regarding Back-to-School Vaccine Clinic scheduled for July 11 in Camden
Becky Bean, (803) 432-8416 ext. 1229

On July 1, 2024, the S.C. Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC) became two separate agencies: S.C. Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) and S.C. Department of Public Health (DPH). 

The S.C. Department of Public Health and the Kershaw County Health Department have informed the District of the following changes for the Back-to-School Vaccine Clinic scheduled for July 11.

  • Please call 803-425-6012 and choose option “0” to schedule an appointment for Thursday, July 11.
  • While there will not be a charge for the actual vaccines, there will be an administrative charge of $13-$39 per person. (The administrative costs will depend on how many vaccines the child receives, with $39 being the maximum total charge.)
  • Please bring any/all shot records you have when you come to ease the process.
  • Please bring insurance information.

We apologize for the last minute change. We are relaying this information from The S.C. Department of Public Health and the Kershaw County Health Department.