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KCSD announces switch to e-Learning for Wednesday, January 22

KCSD announces switch to e-Learning for Wednesday, January 22
Becky Bean, (803) 432-8416 ext. 1229

All Kershaw County School District schools will shift to e-Learning on Wednesday, January 22, due to the forecast of winter weather and the likelihood of below freezing temperatures causing unsafe roadway conditions well into the day Wednesday.  All KCSD office buildings and schools will be closed.

All KCSD extracurricular and after-school activities — including sports practices and games — are also canceled for Wednesday, as well as district meetings and adult education classes.

Teachers will post assignments in Canvas (or will provide paper packets for younger students). Specific instructions will be communicated to students and parents from teachers and schools. Teachers will be working remotely on Wednesday, and will be available for student questions during their virtual office hours:

  • Elementary Schools: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Middle and High Schools: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

We realize that power outages are possible, so students will have five school days to complete all assignments to be counted present.

Technology staff will be answering technology-related issues by email at

Any further updates will be posted on our district and school websites and social media, as well as reported to local news stations. Parents and employees will also receive messages from our mass notification system.

Thank you for flexibility and cooperation as we adjust our school operating schedule to prioritize the safety of our students, staff and KCSD families.