KCSD announces early dismissal for Tuesday, January 21, and 2-hour delay for Wednesday, January 22
The National Weather Service indicates that Kershaw County will likely experience winter weather including possible snow, freezing rain, and/or sleet beginning Tuesday afternoon and continuing through the night into Wednesday morning. Based on the current forecast, Kershaw County School District will be closing all schools and offices early on Tuesday, January 21, and will open on a 2-hour delay for Wednesday, January 22.
On Tuesday, January 21, elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30 a.m., middle schools at 11:45 a.m. and high schools at noon. Breakfast and lunch will be served. The district office will close at 2:30 p.m.
Students in half day preschool special needs programs will not attend school on Tuesday. Morning Woolard Technology Center and morning adult education students will attend class and dismiss at their regular times.
All KCSD child care programs, extracurricular and after-school activities — including sports practices and games — are also canceled for Tuesday, as well as after school and evening district meetings.
On Wednesday, January 22, KCSD schools and offices will be opening on a two-hour delay. This means school start times are two hours later than normal. School bus riders should report to their bus stops two hours later than their usual times.
Students in half day preschool special needs programs will not attend school on Wednesday, January 22. Morning Woolard Technology Center students will attend classes on a two-hour delay. The Woolard Technology Center Child Development Center will operate on a two-hour delay.
Breakfast and lunch will be served on Wednesday.
The delay on Wednesday gives district and transportation officials time to assess schools and road conditions before buses start running their morning routes.
The weather is unpredictable and the impact of the winter weather is unknown. Depending on the impact, the district may need to change plans early Wednesday morning. We will notify employees and families of any changes as quickly as possible.
Any further updates will be posted on our district and school websites and social media, as well as reported to local news stations. Parents and employees will also receive messages from our mass notification system.
KCSD district leaders continue to focus on the safety of our students, employees and families.