Frequently Asked Questions
What are the meal prices?
KCSD is proud to be able to offer all meals to students at no charge. Beginning the 2023-24 school year KCSD applied to operate the Community Eligibility Program for its students. This means that all meals are at no charge to the students. Breakfast and Lunch will be FREE for all students in Kershaw County Schools.
What if my student wants to purchase a second meal?
Student meals are subsidized with federal money to offset the cost of the meals. Regulations only allow for 1 meal per meal period per student each day. If a student wants a second meal, the meal must be charged at the non subsidized rate which is predetermined by the SDE each year. This year the minimum charge for a second breakfast is $3.10 and a second lunch is $5.30. This is also the price of an adult meal since adult meals are not subsidized at all.
Will my child have meal choices at lunch?
Students in schools will have a choice between main entrées and fresh express. These choices will be available through MealViewer online.
Will my child be allowed to purchase extra items at lunch?
Special sales items will be available for purchase while the student is in line. This will include prepackaged cookies, chips, flavored waters, and other beverages. Students must have money in hand or on their accounts to get these items, and they must be purchased while they are getting their meals. They will not be allowed back through the line after they are seated. Please remember that money must be on the child’s account or they can pay cash- realizing no change will be given. All money above the purchase price will be deposited into the student’s account.
Are parents allowed to bring in classroom snacks or foods for celebrations?
As a matter of safety, we are not allowing parents to bring snacks in for classrooms or for special celebrations. However, food service will be sending out information on how classroom snacks can be purchased directly from food service and sent to the classrooms. Celebration cookie and cupcake platters will also be available for parents to purchase for their students to help celebrate their special days. All snacks and celebration cupcakes, cookies, etc. are individually wrapped and adhere to all food safety protocols of the food service department. See Snack Time & Let's Celebrate with KCSD Food Service for details and prices.
What if I need a refund on my child’s account balance?
Parents can request a refund or request to transfer balances between their children by emailing the request to Refund requests may take up to 10 business days for the check to mail. Transfers may take up 48 hours to reflect on a student’s account.
Do I need to continue to pay on my child’s account if we owe money?
Yes. Families are still accountable for unpaid meal balances from prior years.