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Nutrition & School Food Service


KCSD Nutrition


Nutrition and Food Services

Nutrition Services participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, Afterschool Snack Program, Summer Feeding Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Farm to School Initiative and the Food Distribution Program.  

All Kershaw County School District students are fed breakfast and lunch at no charge through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP.)

Notice: School Health Advisory Council Meeting

School Health Advisory Council

Our first School Health Advisory Council Meeting October 23, 2024.  This Council will bring together representatives from school communities to address issues facing the health and well being of our children. We will be examining and planning for changes in classrooms, cafeterias, the district wellness policy, and more.

The meeting will be held Wednesday October 23, 2024 from 9am-10:30am in the Kershaw County School District Office Board Room.

Notes will be made available following the meeting for parents to be informed and become part of the next action steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the district's student wellness policy?
The KCSD Student Wellness Policy is reviewed annually by a Wellness Committee. The most recent Triennial District Wellness Policy Annual Progress Report was in February 2019.

What happens during a policy review?
The policy is reviewed annually and noted for changes or needed adjustments.  No changes to the policy have been warranted since the published version in 2020 (link to wellness policy).  Measurable goals will be established during the 2024-25 school year to help better assess and reach our health and wellness goals as a district. If you would like to participate in this review process, please contact Food Services Director Misha Lawyer or Local Wellness Policy Chair and Coordinator of Nursing Services Elizabeth Starling.

What if I feel like I have been discriminated against?  How do I file a complaint?
If you feel your civil rights have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint.  Any person has a right to file a complaint within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory action. 

  • Complaints may notify USDA directly, or they may notify the institution. 
  • Institutions must give the complainants a civil rights complaint form.
  • Complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form found online or in the school cafeteria manager’s office. 
  • The person filing the complaint, can also write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all information requested in the previously mentioned form.

What can I expect from school meals?
Please review our "What Parents Can Expect from School Meals and Ideas for Home" flyer for information about school meals.

Where can I find nutrition information about student meals?
Nutrition and School Food Services provides nutrition information on the food served and sold in the cafeterias. The Food Facts information includes serving size, calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, sodium and allergens. The Food Facts information is available on the district website and is constantly updated as new products are added. If your child needs Medical Meal Accommodation, you can find the form in our Parent Agreement Forms.

Are school breakfasts and lunches nutritious? 
Recent Government Accounting Office (GAO) reports state “school meals are healthy and children who eat school meals consume more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy items than children who do not eat schools meals.” 
Research has shown lunches from home include a sandwich and three times more snack foods. This combination contains more carbohydrates, fat, and sugar. Milk was included in 87% of the school lunches and only 7% of lunches from home. 
School lunches sometimes get falsely accused of contributing to the childhood obesity issue but the research is evidence that school lunch plays a major role in keeping our children healthy

Are school lunches high in fat, sodium and calories? 
KCSD meals are planned by Registered Dietitians and according to federal regulations provide 1/3 of the students' Recommended Dietary Allowances and contain no more than 30 percent calories from fat and 10 percent calories from saturated fat averaged over the week. This information is printed on the parent monthly menu. 
Food items such as chicken tenders and pizza served in our schools are specified to contain limited amounts of fat and sodium. The nutrient content is different than those sold in local fast food restaurants. To reflect new dietary recommendation whole wheat grain breads, pizza crust, breakfast cereals, etc. and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are offered on menus. In addition special attention is paid to limit sodium, sugar and trans fatty acids.

Are students involved in menu planning?
To ensure menus reflect student preferences, student sampling and customer surveys provide the menu planners with feedback on the customers' likes and dislikes. 
Our goal is to plan menus that are affordable and more important provide students with several nutritious choices that they will select and eat. 

How can the school lunch program affect children's eating habits?
School Lunch can affect children's eating habits by: 
•Planning meals that reflect the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans – reduced fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, sodium, and increased grains (Whole Grain breads/cereals). 
•Exposing children to new foods and food preparations. 
•Offering a variety of fruits and vegetables. 
•Offering a variety of choices so children learn to make wise selections. 
•Limiting snacks and desserts to those with high nutrient content. 
•Teaching nutrition education in the classroom
•Active partner in the implementation of the Wellness Policy in the school community.

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