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Recruitment & Retention

Recruitment & Retention Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply to teach in the Kershaw County School District?
Applicants complete an on-line application (KCSD Applitrack) and participate in school and district-based interviews. References, criminal histories, and other pertinent information is verified before a potential employee is presented to the Kershaw County Board of Trustees for approval. 

How does KCSD attract the best teachers to teach in Kershaw County?
The OTRRC hosts an annual Teacher Recruitment Fair where prospective teaching candidates meet with district and school personnel. State recruitment funding is used to attend college/university educational career fairs both state-wide and nationally. Even though there may be many SC teachers seeking employment, there are always critical needs positions that necessitate out-of-state recruitment.

What does the KCSD do to retain quality educators?
The district seeks to maintain a competitive salary and benefits package. There are support programs and activities in place to provide added benefits to educators. These programs and activities include the Assistant Principals’ Support Program, the Developing Administrators program, Teacher Mentoring program, and other professional development opportunities. Schools publically recognize the work of staff to enhance morale and to promote job satisfaction. The District sponsors several awards programs such as the Golden Apple Award, Teacher of the Year, Principal of the Year, and First Year Teacher of the Year.