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FMLA Requests

Requests for FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) can be completed through our electronic FMLA leave management system - eFMLA.  Once a request is submitted, the human resources office will be notified by email. Employees will receive FMLA related notice by email and will be prompted to set up an account in the eFMLA system.  Please note that emails from this system will come from

If you have any questions, please contact your school’s designated benefits contact:  Kelly Wilder ( or ext. 1285) or Shawana Beaufort ( or ext. 1227).


For new users who have never used eFLMA before:

Request an eFMLA Account

For employees who have submitted an eFMLA request:

Login to your eFMLA Account


eFMLA FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started with the eFMLA website?
To get started, you will need to create an account:

  • If you are employee, select Request an eFMLA Account, fill in the form and select Submit. You will then be asked to review your information.  If everything is correct, select the "Send Form" button.
  • An email from this system will be sent to you from  You will need to open this email and select "Start FMLA Leave Request" to submit your leave request.

How do I login to my Employee Dashboard? 
To login into your eFMLA Employee Dashboard to access notices, forms and other documents related to your leave, go to and click on the “Employee Login” button.

What if I forgot my password?
If an account already exists for you and you don't remember your password, please use the Forgot Password tool and enter your email address before contacting support. 

What if I need login assistance?
If you are having trouble with the Forgot Password tool, please email or call (855) 488-FMLA (3652). 

How can I view the history of emails I sent to a health care provider?
Login to your Employee Dashboard and click on the “Email History” button. 

How can I view the history of faxes that were sent to a health care provider?
Login to your Employee Dashboard and click on the “Fax History” button. 

How can I view my FMLA leave usage and balance, and other leave taken?
Login to your Employee Dashboard and click on the “View Leave” button.  NOTE:  This information will be available for you to view only if your employer has entered leave you have taken into your employee profile. 

What if I have a question related to my FMLA leave? 
For questions relating to your FMLA leave, please contact your school’s designated benefits contact:  Kelly Wilder ( or ext. 1285) or Shawana Beaufort ( or ext. 1227).