Procurement Office
The Office of Procurement oversees the purchasing procedures for the district and surplus property disposal. The district uses as the auction site for all surplus sales.
Proviso 1.113 (Surplus Property) — Kershaw County School District has no qualifying district property that is available for transfer to governmental subdivisions or state agencies or for sale or lease.
Information for Vendors
Frequently Asked Questions on Procurement
When do I have to follow the procurement code?
Any purchase that exceeds $5000 must follow the district procurement code, unless it is exempt per Board action. Please refer to our code which is posted on the Procurement link
I want to purchase an item from a particular company. Do I have to follow the code?
If the purchase is over $5000 then the code must be followed. Some items may be considered sole source items and can be purchased without additional bids. See the Procurement Code for details. A sole source justification form must be completed and approved by the Superintendent before a purchase can be made.
If I buy from the State Contract do I have to get bids?
No. All procurement procedures have been met if the item is on State Contract. You must include the State Contract number on your purchase order or invoice. Some vendors on State Contract will offer lower prices depending on quantities. Always ask for a lower price before placing your order.
I read the procurement code, but do not understand what I am supposed to do. Who can help?
Contact the Procurement office at extension 1262 or email your question to