Administrative Costs Report
Administrative Costs Report 2022-2023
223 Supervision of Special Programs
Activities associated with the overall supervision, coordination, and direction of special programs. These activities include Title I Coordinators, Adult Education Coordinators, SSI Coordinators, etc. $1,206,675
231 Board of Education.
Activities of the elected or appointed body which has been created according to state law and vested with responsibilities for educational activities in a given administrative unit. $251,774
232 Office of Superintendent.
Activities performed by the superintendent and deputy, associate, or assistant superintendents, in the direction and management of all affairs of the school district. This program area includes all personnel and materials in the Office of the Superintendent. $1,141,942
233 School Administration.
Activities concerned with overall administrative responsibility for a single school or a group of schools. Included are the activities performed by the principal, assistant principals, and other assistants in the supervision of all operations of the school. Clerical staff for these activities is included. (amount EXCLUDES principal salaries & ALL fringe benefits) $2,144,779
252 Fiscal Services.
Activities concerned with the fiscal operation of the school district. This function includes budgeting, receiving and disbursing, financial accounting, payroll, inventory control, and managing funds. $1,263,191
254 Operation and Maintenance of Plant.
Activities concerned with keeping the physical plant open, comfortable, and safe for use, and the grounds, buildings, and equipment in working condition. Exclude activities which maintain security in schools, on school grounds, and in the vicinity of schools. Expenditures for these activities should be reported in Function 258. $25,468,449
257 Internal Services.
Activities concerned with buying, storing, and distributing supplies, furniture, and equipment, and those activities concerned with duplicating and printing for the school district. $132,634
263 Information Services.
Activities concerned with writing, editing, and other preparations necessary to disseminate educational and administrative information to students, staff, or the general public through direct mailing, the news media, or personal contact. $359,556
264 Staff Services.
Human resource activities concerned with maintaining an efficient staff for the school system including such activities as recruiting and placement, staff transfers, and staff accountability. $1,686,973
266 Technology and Data Processing Services.
Activities concerned with preparing data for storage and retrieval for reproduction as information for management and reporting. Includes technology services for activities related to computer operations, supervision of data processing, systems analysis services, and programming services. Also includes operations services related to scheduling, maintaining, and producing data. (Include contracted vendor support here.) This function category also encompasses all technology activities and services for the purpose of supporting instruction. These activities include expenditures for internal technology support as well as support 100 provided by external vendors using operating funds. These activities include costs associated with the administration and supervision of technology personnel, systems planning and analysis, systems application development, systems operations, network support services, hardware maintenance and support services, and other technology-related costs that relate to the support of instructional activities. Specifically, costs associated with the operation and support of computer learning labs, media center computer labs, instructional technology centers, instructional networks, and similar operations should be captured in this code. $2,456,089