Canvas LMS
Canvas Access & Resources (some require a log-in)
What is an LMS?
LMS stands for Learning Management System which is not only used in K-12 education, but in higher education and even training for the corporate world. An LMS is used to develop, deliver, manage, and track content for every level of learning.
Why is KCSD moving to Canvas?
Moving to a robust LMS is a solution to many logistical problems. When teachers design classes and courses using an LMS, KCSD can ensure a better educational experience for students and families. An LMS connects and stores resources in a way that helps all teachers be more efficient and reduces stress for students and their families. All stakeholders benefit from our moving to an LMS. Canvas provides the tools to support learning in a variety of ways. Most apps (including all of the Google Suite) will integrate into the software so all assignments are housed in one place which reduces frustration for students and families who find navigating online difficult and stressful. This will also help to unify the way we teach across the district so that students have a more equitable learning experience.
How will we access Canvas?
Canvas is a single sign-on software, so teachers and students will use their Google credentials to sign in to and use Canvas. There will also be a quick access point on Chromebooks.
Teachers, please remember there are more resources available on the ETS Training Portal in Canvas.