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Blended Learning

Blended Learning

Blended learning combines online and technology resources with traditional face-to-face instruction to create a more personalized learning environment for students. See the video below for details and benefits of blended learning and why we are implementing it at KCSD.  For more resources, sign into your BLACKBOARD/Website account to access site: Click here 

A flipped classroom is a type of Blended learning in which content is delivered via videos & other technologies, making it accessible at any time. In this video, you are given a general overview of what a Flipped classroom means and why it is a model worth considering for classroom instruction. 


In this high school, the flipped model has helped students become more successful personally, while at the same time improving test scores and overall school performance. Watch this video to see it in action. 


Flipping the classroom has many benefits, but is not without it's "hurdles and blunders." This video helps the teacher recognize common hurdles of flipping the classroom and search for solutions to be more successful. The authors offer some tips and hints in overcoming some of those hurdles.


When designing lessons for a flipped or blended learning classroom, using an objective-driven, 3 point outline can help teachers more successfully deliver their content. This video gives the teacher a few tips on how to design a Flipped class lesson using a three-point outline. 


How does flipping a classroom work in an elementary school? This video shows teachers how to enter into the students' consumption of information through videos and online content to help increase student success and buy-in. 


This teacher flipped her classroom to avoid teaching to the middle and engage her higher-level and struggling students more effectively. Flipping the classroom helped her to use her classroom time more efficiently to meet the needs of all her learners.