Student Chromebooks
All students in preK-8th grade are issued Chromebooks by the district. These use our school-issued email addresses, which are formatted similarly for all students. These devices are among the most secure in education. They aren't
susceptible to viruses like other machines and are monitored by the school district in order to keep students safe while working with digital tools. Our Chromebooks typically open with 2-3 tabs once a student logs in.
- Students' Class Link page with links to different apps used in our schools and by various teachers. If it doesn't open automatically, you can always log in at under the "choose your school" option with your Google Username and Password
- Canvas
- Gmail (optional)
Below you will find some useful tutorials for students using Chromebooks.
Please be advised that our monitoring software blocks students in K-8 from using devices from 11pm-6am. To access content, students must shut down the computer and restart.