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KCSD students will now be able to continue their lessons at home via eLearning.


eLearning Technology Help Desk for Parents and Students


The Kershaw County School District (KCSD) utilizes eLearning protocols when we experience inclement weather so that KCSD students can continue their lessons at home.

To avoid breaks in the learning process, the use of eLearning days is less disruptive for families’ schedules since there are no make-up days to be implemented. Virtual eLearning Days allow students to minimize the interruptions caused by bad weather days and continue to make educational progress.


KCSD students will now be able to continue their lessons at home via eLearning.

Students will have regular assigned classwork on eLearning Days, and their teachers will be available electronically. Students will be required to complete and submit all assignments as well as communicate with their teachers during the virtual eLearning days.


Teachers will be expected to make contact with students, track virtual attendance and be available to students during virtual office hours.

eLearning Resources

eLearning Steps for Students

Parent eLearning Checklist

Common Problems and Solutions

Map of WiFi Locations

Troubleshooting for Websites that Won't Load


eLearning Resources for Teachers (Requires Blackboard Login)