Communication Tools for Families
Communications Tools for Families
Students have a variety of ways to communicate with our school and their teachers.
Our schools have Websites at where schools share calendars and news. You can locate Teachers’ Email Addresses under the “Staff” link on each school's website. Teachers use Canvas to share Homework and Documents (syllabus, expectations, etc.) and to allow students to submit classwork and homework digitally.
Social Media
Our schools have social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where they post school news and photos. You can find their links at
All students have a Gmail Email Address ( Logging into this address also gives them access to all their school tools, including Canvas, Classlinks, and a Google Drive account for creating Google Docs, Sheets and Slides for homework and assignments.
Parents can help students keep up with daily grades with Canvas and with semester grades with a ParentPortal account.
Phone & Message Alert System
Our district & schools use an automated calling system BlackBoard Connect to call and message families with school information. If you are not receiving these calls, please contact the school office to update your phone number.
Mobile Smartphone App
The district also has a mobile app - look for the Kershaw County School District App in your smartphone store or see School and district notifications are shared through the app, as well as ParentPortal accounts, lunch menus, phone notifications and additional information.