Flyer Distribution
PeachJar Electronic Flyers
Our district is cooperating with approved community partners by posting eflyers online and distributing them electronically through our service provider, Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.
If you have questions about our flyer distribution, please contact Becky Bean at
Outside organizations that would like to request flyer approval should follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted online.
Register as an Enrichment / Community Org. (account type)
Upload your flyer for approval
Your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards below. For activities where a fee is charged for participation or attendance, Peachjar will charge a fee that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. There is no Peachjar charge for flyers where there is no charge to participate in or attend the organization's activities. Peachjar limits Community Free (Free-for-Free) flyer distribution to one posting every 30 days for up to 25 schools per organization. Exceptions are available for school groups such as Booster Clubs, Education Foundations and others on a case-by-case basis.
To meet the district’s criteria, fliers should contain information about activities that benefit our students or offer programs or events that are youth-related or related to youth education. Approved fliers will not disrupt the educational process, violate the rights of others, include material that is defamatory, invade the privacy of others, infringe on a copyright, or be obscene, vulgar or indecent.
No commercial publications will be posted or distributed unless their purpose is to further a school activity, such as graduation, class pictures or class rings or to offer a pre-approved enrichment opportunity to our students.
The following information must appear on any flier distributed: the sponsoring organization’s full name, address, telephone number, and, if applicable, email address and telephone number.
PeachJar Accounts
To view the Peachjar page for your child's school, visit:
Leslie M. Stover Middle School
Parent Access to Flyers
To register to begin receiving flyers for a school:
Register as a Parent. (account type).
Select the schools's from which you would like to receive announcements.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, select the "unsubscribe from this list" link at the bottom of any email.